Fellow in Political Philosophy

Kyle van Oosterum is a Research Fellow in Political Philosophy at UCL’s Digital Speech Lab. He is also a Graduate Scholar at Oxford University’s Institute for Ethics in AI. Currently, he is completing his DPhil in Philosophy at Oxford on echo chambers and the politics of content-curation in liberal-democratic societies. He has published multiple papers on the ethics of paternalism as well as a book chapter on AI ethics for the forthcoming Routledge Introduction to Business Ethics. Recently, a chapter of his doctoral thesis on civility and echo chambers was accepted for publication at the Journal of Applied Philosophy. At UCL, Kyle’s work will focus on the impact of platform governance on democratic citizenship. He is keen to explore how platforms enable users to have political influence over others and the pros and cons of crowd-sourced fact-checking. 


Ricki-Lee Gerbrandt, Fellow in Law and Platform Governance


Tena Thau, Fellow in Political Philosophy